Module libnova.common.filesystem.S3.Storage

S3 Storage Wrapper

This wrapper allows the semi-automatic initialization of the different S3 classes to ease the interaction of the library with the data available in Amazon S3.

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

"""S3 Storage Wrapper

This wrapper allows the semi-automatic initialization of the different S3 classes to ease the interaction
of the library with the data available in Amazon S3.

import boto3
from botocore.config import Config

import libnova.Util
from libnova.common     import api
from libnova.common.api import Driver, AccessMethod

AWS_ENDPOINT          = ''
AWS_REGION            = ''
AWS_SECURE            = True
AWS_BUCKET            = ''

def initialize(secure=True, override_host='', override_region='', override_access_key='', override_secret_key='', override_bucket=''):
    """Initialize the wrapper given a set of settings

    If any field is not provided, it will be taken from the S3 Access Method for the current user

        secure (bool): Whether to use HTTPS to interact with the S3 server
        override_host (str): Override the endpoint with the given value
        override_region (str): Override the region with the given value
        override_access_key (str): Override the access key with the given value
        override_secret_key (str): Override the secret key with the given value
        override_bucket (str): Override the bucket key with the given value

    # Bypass API retrieval if all fields have been overriden
        bool(override_host) and
        bool(override_region) and
        bool(override_access_key) and
        bool(override_secret_key) and
        __initialize(override_host, override_region, override_access_key, override_secret_key, override_bucket, secure)

    s3_data = api.AccessMethod.get('s3')
    if s3_data is None:
        print("Startup error: Cannot retrieve S3 data from the platform")

    hostname = s3_data['hostname']
    if override_host != '':
        hostname = override_host

    region = 'us-east-1'
    if override_region != '':
        region = override_region

    access_key = s3_data['email']
    if override_access_key != '':
        access_key = override_access_key

    secret_key = s3_data['password']
    if override_secret_key != '':
        secret_key = override_secret_key

    bucket = ''
    if 'bucket' in s3_data:
        bucket = s3_data['bucket']
        if override_bucket != '':
            bucket = override_bucket

    __initialize(hostname, region, access_key, secret_key, bucket, secure)

def __initialize(endpoint, region, access_key, secret_key, bucket = '', secure=True):
    """Initialize the wrapper given a set of settings

    This function will actually store the settings in the class

        endpoint (str): Override the endpoint with the given value
        region (str): Override the region with the given value
        access_key (str): Override the access key with the given value
        secret_key (str): Override the secret key with the given value
        bucket (str): Override the bucket key with the given value
        secure (bool): Whether to use HTTPS to interact with the S3 server

    global AWS_ENDPOINT
    global AWS_REGION
    global AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    global AWS_SECURE
    global AWS_BUCKET

    AWS_ENDPOINT           = endpoint
    AWS_REGION             = region
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID      = access_key
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY  = secret_key
    AWS_SECURE             = secure
    AWS_BUCKET             = bucket

def initialize_storage(Storage: libnova.common.api.Storage):
    """Initialize the wrapper using a `Storage` object as reference

        Storage (libnova.common.api.Storage): Use this `Storage` as reference to initialize the S3 Storage wrapper

    global AWS_ENDPOINT
    global AWS_REGION
    global AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    global AWS_SECURE
    global AWS_BUCKET

    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID     = Storage.extra_data["access_key"]
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = Storage.extra_data["secret_key"]
    AWS_REGION            = Storage.extra_data["region"]

def get_client():
    """Retrieve an S3 Client instance

        S3.Client: An Amazon S3 Client

    return boto3.client(
        aws_access_key_id    =AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
        region_name          =AWS_REGION

def get_resource():
    """Retrieve an S3 Service Resource

        S3.ServiceResource: An Amazon S3 Service Resource

    return boto3.resource(
        aws_access_key_id    =AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
        region_name          =AWS_REGION

def is_latest_version(bucket, container_id, object_name, version_id):
    """Not implemented

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('This file cannot be executed directly!')


def get_client()

Retrieve an S3 Client instance


An Amazon S3 Client
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def get_client():
    """Retrieve an S3 Client instance

        S3.Client: An Amazon S3 Client

    return boto3.client(
        aws_access_key_id    =AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
        region_name          =AWS_REGION
def get_resource()

Retrieve an S3 Service Resource


An Amazon S3 Service Resource
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def get_resource():
    """Retrieve an S3 Service Resource

        S3.ServiceResource: An Amazon S3 Service Resource

    return boto3.resource(
        aws_access_key_id    =AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
        region_name          =AWS_REGION
def initialize(secure=True, override_host='', override_region='', override_access_key='', override_secret_key='', override_bucket='')

Initialize the wrapper given a set of settings

If any field is not provided, it will be taken from the S3 Access Method for the current user


secure : bool
Whether to use HTTPS to interact with the S3 server
override_host : str
Override the endpoint with the given value
override_region : str
Override the region with the given value
override_access_key : str
Override the access key with the given value
override_secret_key : str
Override the secret key with the given value
override_bucket : str
Override the bucket key with the given value
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def initialize(secure=True, override_host='', override_region='', override_access_key='', override_secret_key='', override_bucket=''):
    """Initialize the wrapper given a set of settings

    If any field is not provided, it will be taken from the S3 Access Method for the current user

        secure (bool): Whether to use HTTPS to interact with the S3 server
        override_host (str): Override the endpoint with the given value
        override_region (str): Override the region with the given value
        override_access_key (str): Override the access key with the given value
        override_secret_key (str): Override the secret key with the given value
        override_bucket (str): Override the bucket key with the given value

    # Bypass API retrieval if all fields have been overriden
        bool(override_host) and
        bool(override_region) and
        bool(override_access_key) and
        bool(override_secret_key) and
        __initialize(override_host, override_region, override_access_key, override_secret_key, override_bucket, secure)

    s3_data = api.AccessMethod.get('s3')
    if s3_data is None:
        print("Startup error: Cannot retrieve S3 data from the platform")

    hostname = s3_data['hostname']
    if override_host != '':
        hostname = override_host

    region = 'us-east-1'
    if override_region != '':
        region = override_region

    access_key = s3_data['email']
    if override_access_key != '':
        access_key = override_access_key

    secret_key = s3_data['password']
    if override_secret_key != '':
        secret_key = override_secret_key

    bucket = ''
    if 'bucket' in s3_data:
        bucket = s3_data['bucket']
        if override_bucket != '':
            bucket = override_bucket

    __initialize(hostname, region, access_key, secret_key, bucket, secure)
def initialize_storage(Storage: libnova.common.api.Storage)

Initialize the wrapper using a Storage object as reference


Storage : libnova.common.api.Storage
Use this Storage as reference to initialize the S3 Storage wrapper
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def initialize_storage(Storage: libnova.common.api.Storage):
    """Initialize the wrapper using a `Storage` object as reference

        Storage (libnova.common.api.Storage): Use this `Storage` as reference to initialize the S3 Storage wrapper

    global AWS_ENDPOINT
    global AWS_REGION
    global AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    global AWS_SECURE
    global AWS_BUCKET

    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID     = Storage.extra_data["access_key"]
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = Storage.extra_data["secret_key"]
    AWS_REGION            = Storage.extra_data["region"]
def is_latest_version(bucket, container_id, object_name, version_id)

Not implemented

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def is_latest_version(bucket, container_id, object_name, version_id):
    """Not implemented